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Quote and book over-dimensional shipments in our Shipper Portal

Over-Dimensional Quoting Now Available

Our Shipper Portal has been upgraded to support over-dimensional quoting. For shipments challenging in size, effortlessly submit them via the EXO Freight Shipper Portal to receive pricing from our specialists. Certain quotes will be generated instantly, while some may undergo a meticulous review to ensure precision in pricing. You will receive a notification once your quote has been carefully evaluated and priced by our team.

Over-Dimensional Quote Tool

Enhanced Invoicing

In addition to our new quoting feature, we've streamlined invoice management. Within our portal, you can now view and settle your invoices with ease. Confirm payments received or clear outstanding invoices through our secure ACH transfer option.

Invoice Management Tool

What's Next: Carrier Management

We're excited to announce that we are in the process of integrating carrier management into the shipper portal. This upcoming feature will empower our customers to directly tender to their contract carriers, streamlining the process. Carriers invited to join the EXO Freight platform will gain access to automated tracking and tendering capabilities. Stay tuned for updates, and if you're eager to learn more or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us!


Start working with EXO Freight today and become a part of an expanding network of open deck carriers.


S‍tart shipping with EXO Freight today!