Shipper Resources

EXO Freight Launches New Cross-Border Open Deck Service

At EXO Freight, we're constantly innovating to provide the best shipping solutions for our customers. Today, we're excited to announce the launch of our new Cross-Border Open Deck Service, a service designed to enhance your shipping experience between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, providing instant quotes and guaranteed cross-border capacity.

As the world's first open deck transportation marketplace, EXO Freight has always been at the forefront of connecting shippers and open deck carriers in a way that's efficient and straightforward. Our new Cross-Border Open Deck Service is a testament to this commitment and now connects shippers and carriers across North America.

Expanding Our Network

With the introduction of our Cross-Border Open Deck Service, we're expanding our network and capabilities. This service allows us to facilitate the transportation of your cargo safely and efficiently across North America. EXO Freight is here to make the process of shipping across the United States, Mexico, and Canada as simple as possible.

Simplifying Cross-Border Shipping

Cross-border shipping can often be a complex process,with unclear pricing and service levels. Our team hand in hand with our technology, simplifies this process, providing a seamless shipping experience.

Join Us in Redefining Logistics

We invite you to join us in redefining logistics with our Cross-Border Open Deck Service. At EXO Freight, we're not just delivering loads- we're delivering peace of mind. We look forward to continuing to serve your shipping needs.


Start working with EXO Freight today and become a part of an expanding network of open deck carriers.


Gain access to the largest open deck carrier network.